Private Training
Discerning clients frequently need or want private instruction, ranging from foundational shooting tutorials to advanced training in a one-on-one learning environment. Private classes for groups or individuals are available either as a standard course listed on our website or as a custom class designed to the customer’s specific needs. AIM Firearms Training is dedicated to providing the highest level of training available, tailored to fit individual or group needs.
Prerequisite: Attendees must have at the least completed a Level 3 Pistol course or its equivalent.
Topics to be covered:
Why low light training is important
How the human body operates in low light environments.
Selection of low light equipment
Employing a handheld flashlight with a pistol
Proper handheld and weapon mounted light use and techniques
Engaging targets while using a handheld flashlight
Using cover in conjunction with a light
Moving/shooting with a light
Private one on one instruction cost is $125 per hour + range fee (minimum of 2 hours)
Private California 16 Hour Initial CCW cost is $1600 (weekdays only)
Private 4 Hour CCW Renewal cost is $400 (weekdays only)
For private group cost please call (916) 704-5189 or email us at guntraining@aimft.com
What to bring:
Handgun and correct holster (NO leather, nylon or serpa holsters)
Eye and ear protection (electronic hearing protection preferred)
At least 3 magazines
200 rounds of ammunition
Handheld flashlight with fresh batteries
If you utilize pistol mounted lights please bring that as well.
Weather appropriate clothing (class is held in the rain or shine)